AGSEAN MEETINGSMonthly MeetingWhere: Leederville TAFE Seminar Room Corner of Richmond & Oxford Streets, Leederville, WA (Enter from Richmond) When: 3rd Wednesday every month Time: 5.15 pm Contact: AGSEAN Email: Meetings Co-ordinator Why not contribute a little of your time to help fix the exploration crisis or support your less fortunate colleagues? These meetings are excellent opportunities for networking and meeting with recruiters. You will also be the first to find out about special offers on courses. Monthly Social NetworkingWhere: Celtic Club 48 Ord Street West Perth WA 6005 When: 1st Friday every month Time: 5.00 pm Contact: AGSEAN Email: Meetings Co-ordinatorHere's a chance to meet casually with friends and supporters of AGSEAN, whether you are looking for work or catching up with industry news.