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Here are some meetings which are useful for making contacts with other geological professionals in the industry or for keeping up to date with technology. Feel free to email AGSEAN if you are aware of meetings which will benefit members.

WA Mining Industry Monthly Coffee Forum
Contact: Sam McFarlane (08) 9368 2888 email: sam.mcfarlane@wa.beilby.com.au
Website: NA
Description: Informal environment for networking with business leaders from the WA mining industry.
Established by Beilby and Belaroma in April 2000. Meets first Tuesday of each
month, 7.00 to 8.00 am at Belaroma, 73 Collins Street, West Perth.
Australian Geoscience Information Association (WA Branch)
Contact: Tracey Rogers (08) 9334 6444, Brian Knyn (08) 9222 3165
Website: NA
Description: Members are from government departments and bigger
corporations. Specialises in information management and technology in the
geosciences. AGIA membership is $15.00 pa.
Petroleum Exploration Database Managers Group
Contact: Valerie Martens 0413 995 910
Website: www.gds.com.au/wadataman
Description: Est 1997 in Perth. Forum for data management within the petroleum industry. Members include oil and gas exploration companies as well as service companies and government representatives.